Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Shopping time at Tajur Bogor West Java

 Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase.  ~Erma Bombeck

            Do you like shopping ? I'm sure that every people love shoping especially for woman. Hehehe , yeah that's true. I feel really happy if i have some money and i will go to buy something. So in this posting i just want to share you about Tajur
             Tajur is the place in Bogor West Java Indonesia. In Tajur you can find so many Bag Shops. You can take a look to come for every shop. Tajur is very famous place in bogor, many person say that Tajur is one of the place that Centra Bag Shop Hand Made from Indonesia. The quality of all of bag are good and so many Factory Outlet in here especially for Bag. One of the Factory Outlet in Tajur is SKI Shop, in Katulampa street bogor. There are so many kinds of bag, for woman,man,kids, ransel, and others. So how about the price ? Haha dont worry you will be able to buy with cheaper price. Trust me . Hehehe ...
             Today me and my lovely bestfriends (susan and rere) visit this place together, we want to look some bag for susan's sister. Yuhuuuu ...
Here is me , Looking for One bag
Voilaaaa ... i love this white , Look ellegant, What do you think ?
Take a moment for a while
Say Cheese ...

"Enjoy you life, enjoy your shopping, and dont forget To buy something and look for your priority"


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