Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Inspiration - Edwina's Photoshoot

It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional.  ~Robert Brault, 

               How Do you think about that quotes ? haha ... i just want to begin this posting with that quotes, i really like it. Because i love to take a photograph but im not a photographer , i'm just an amateur photographer but i want to make it the best. Hahaha #Intermezo ...
               So ... here is the point, today i have a lovely job. Passionate job , yes to take a photograph. Yuhuu .. And the model for today is .. taa daaa ... Edwina , my friend she is very charming,beautifull,sweety,warm and lovely. The themes of this photoshoot is Hijab Princess in the Forest. So here we go, i will be give you some tips for fashion  too, especially for you who have a short body in the end of this photoshoot result.

Edwina's Portofolio
        What do you think about that some photoshoot ? She is very beautifull with her maxi dress. Yes , lovely... So here i will share you about some tips. First if you have a short body you can choose maxi dress with a natural pattern like edwina's wear. Why it will help you to make your body have a volume and you look more sweety. Second, Then dont forget to wear a wages it will complete your appearance. I hope it can be inspire you guys... 


nb :
Thank you too : Edwina
Model : Edwina
Photograph by Me
Make up by Dwi susan
Dress Edwina's Collection
Place : Bogor Botanical Garden 

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