Jumat, 09 November 2012

Let's Play game of Snakes and Ladders "BIG" Version

A g u s t u s   2 0 1 2

Today , me and my friends wanna share some laugh and joy! let's happy with us kids , we gonna play a big game ... What a kind of game ? We call it BIG Snakes and Ladders or in Bahasa we can say "Ular Tangga Raksasa" ...


This afternoon , we go to the field in Tambak Gati Desa Kalirejo. hmmm ... we will play a game , this game is not only really fun but also can improve your knowledge especially in environmental education. Yups , that's it ... We will play Snakes and ladder game .. but in a BIG Version , hmm ... Okay we invite some kids to play with us. It's gonna be fun !

Big Snakes and Ladder was made by a team of PKM in IPB. So here , in this community service program we use this game to attract some kids in orther to introduce a new educative games. Yes this game it so educative , every step at this game contain some knowledge and we share it to kids who play this game.
let's Roll a Big Dices
This Big snakes and ladders same like another game, we must roll the dice ... actually we have a Big Dice wooow .. was so interesting. And the ww must go into the next step , and try to answer the question. The question it's about environmental education in orther to give a knowledgmen to some kids.

We feel really excited to play this game , we share some laugh, joy , happy and can impove our knowledge too .. I never forget this moment , thank you Kids you are Cool and so Diligent !Hope we can play this game again someday , wait us !


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