Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Yummy ~ Bakso President Malang

 6  F e b r u a r i   2 0 1 2
What Do you think when i say ...


Do you feel Hungry ? Right ? Hahaha ...

But ... Do you know What is Bakso Malang ? Is there any diferent beetween BAKSO and BAKSO Malang ?

"Yang jelas sama-sama bulat ko , hehehe "

       This is my first experience to eat Bakso Malang at Malang , hehe ... Well, we choose to eat Bakso Malang President. Some people said that Bakso President Malang is very delicious. Ummm ... make me so curious to eat that... umm yummy ..

       Believe it or not The Place of Bakso Malang President is very humble, and not only that but also very unique. Why ?? Because this place located next to railroad tracks. Wow ???  Do you believe it ? 
          But , Dont Judge Book by the Cover Guys ! You must taste a Bowl of  Bakso Malang President .. Umm ... That's True it is very delicious ... Hmm ... "Enaknya makan Bakso malang ini Pake sambel yang Banyak" hehe ... Yups That's true , But don't too much .. that's dangerous for your belly. Hhe ... 
Syukur Alhamdulillah , I said thanks To Allah, because i can taste this Delicious food with my best new buddies. hehe ... 

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.  ~Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, Pavarotti, My Own Story"



"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.  ~Mark Twain"

And said Alhamdulillah



big hugs 

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