Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Today Is Sunny Day "Tanjung Benoa" Bali Indonesia

 9  F e b r u a r i   2 0 1 2

Have you imagine to run around the blue beach ? seeing the blue sky and touch the pure white sky ? Do you know what  the place that can bring you to that imaginitaion?

So Now , in "Tanjung Benoa Bali Indonesia" you can get all of them ! Do you believe it ?
Oh common ! Let's run around the beach guys ! Today is so sunny Day , blue bright sky with lil bit  clouds. AMAZING
      Today , me and all my friends would go to the great beach in Bali ... why i said great ? because this place is the most beautifull beach that i never seen before. Hmm, lovely ...But , funny things when we want to go to this place , we must face the crowded ways. We must face the long traffic jam, hahaha ... Okay The show must go on, so ... let's walking guys ! Hahaha ,no problem.. what a funny experiences walk around the crowded street hehe !
       About 1 hours we walked and took the transportation, finally we can stay at Tanjung Benoa . Fiuuuhhh ... feel so relief , hehe ..after we stay at that place i feel surprised .. why ??? because this place was really beautifull , with white sands and sunny days. hmmm ... there are so many tourists who came along to this place.
What a beautifull Panorama
          For your INFORMATION :  for you who love adventure, you are recommended to visit Tanjung Benoa. It is located in Nusa Dua, Bali. It is a kind of beach where you can do many kinds of water sport. Examples of the interesting activity you can do are parasailing, flying fish, water skiing, banana boat, diving, snorkeling, dolphin tour, and glass bottom boat. It will be great place for having great adventure during spending your holidays in Bali, Indonesia.
          Well , actually i just have a little sense to try those adventure ..  hehehe so i decide playing around at the beach with my bestfriends , hehe ... but some other friends decide to try water sport like parasailing and other. Although we just playing around at blue beach , we feel so happy, hmmm ... We swimming, taking a photograph, going to the boat, jumping up hi ... and falling down at the blue beach .. byuuuuuuuurrrrr ... what a lovely sunny day :D
Hahahaha ... what a great team
actually we just sit at the boat haha
This is my footprints love it - By Anjar Photograph
Love it
          Well , one tips from me .. if you want to go to the beach prepare yourself , Do not forget to use sunblock before. That's good for your skin , hehe unfortunately i forgot to use sunblock haha ... so my skin was dark although i have dark skin too hehehe :P . But its okay for me . hihihi... Thank you for today guys!!

After we get the great opportunity to  visit this place we must prepare ourself to go to Udayana University, for what ??? Hahaha okay i'll share it into the next posting see you at the next posting. Bye.


"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the blue dream of sky, for the pure white clouds,for the footprints that i left at the sands, for the beautifull beach and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes --> THIS MY LOVELY DAYS



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