Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Quotes by Macroeconomic Lecture

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" Today I get an inspiring quote"

But do you know from who i get this quote ?

I got it from my Macroeconomic Lecture


It's about TEACH

 Mr. Azam says,


So if you wanna be a teacher , which one do you want to do ?

I wanna be a GREAT TEACHER
How about you ?
"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book."  ~Author Unknown 



Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Last Day in Our Trip

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" I wanna be the best Hello and Hardest Goodbye "


"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book "


Today is my Last Day
For the great TRIP
So Many Experiences and Memories That i get
Together with them
My feeling was mixed
Happy yeah really
but ...
I Feel little bit sad
why ?
It's because our Duty will be done
So we must Comeback
Keep and share about all of the things that we get
To make me a better person
Thank's Allah 
For everything you gave to me and us
Grant me an ahsan and make me a better person
May I ask something ?
Hopefully ,
I can comeback again someday
with them
when we get Successfully
In another moment and another time
At the next Future
then know
Today Will End
and see you again To the next continue story

"Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson"

"Could we see when and where we are to meet again, we would be more tender when we bid our friends goodbye.  ~Marie Louise De La Ramee"

Last Destination at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Jimbaran

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" Roda itu terus berjalan , mengarungi jalanan kota Jimbaran Bali. Saat itu matahari masih menemani perjalanan ku dengan sinarnya yang mulai temaram perlahan. Tetapi sinarnya masih menemani hari ku di hari ini. Hari ini adalah hari terindah ...

Hari terakhir ku di Bali

Roda itu terus berputar mengarungi batas waktu

melalui setiap kenangan yang telah terlewati"

dan Tujuan terakhir ku di  Pulau ini adalah
Garuda Wisnu Kencana


~GWK Here We Go~

              Hari yang begitu padat, penuh schedule,penuh pengalaman,penuh keceriaan, penuh kenangan yang tak terlupakan ITULAH HARI INI . Jam menunjukan pukul 4 Sore .. Yah saat itu mentari sedang hangat-hangatnya dengan sinarnya yang temaram dan destinasi terakhir kami adalah Monumen Garuda Wisnu Kencana. GWK adalah penutup perjalananku di hari ini.
              Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana berlokasi di Bukit Unggasan - Jimbaran, Bali. Patung ini merupakan karya pematung terkenal Bali, I Nyoman Nuarta. Monumen ini dikembangkan sebagai taman budaya dan menjadi ikon bagi pariwisata Bali dan Indonesia. Monumen ini terdiri dari berbagai macam pahatan Batu yang sangat besar dan luar biasa, dan ini tuh cool banget. Monumen ini terdiri dalam satu komplek Artistik yang menyajikan beberapa pahatan, karena waktu yang terbatas kami memaksimalkan untuk mengelilingi beberapa pahatan patung terdekat.
               Betapa senangnya aku mendapatkan kesempatan ke Monumen ini, sangat indah dengan Patung-patung pahatan yang sangat artistik. Aku dan teman-teman yang lain sangat menikmatinya. Terlebih lagi ini adalah destinasi terakhir kami, rombongan Studi Banding FEM IPB Bogor. Seakan tidak ingin melewatkan kesempatan ini kami pun banyak mengabadikan moment dengan berfoto bersama. Tidak hanya pahatan patung ternyata , pemandangannya sangat indah kalau kata teman ku Like in Another Country. hahaha , yups, masih banyak batu kapur yang dijaga keasliannya disini.

            Indah bukan ? Semuanya masih dijaga keasliannya, ouya ternyata di GWK ini kita juga bisa menyaksikan pagelaran seni khas Bali, biasanya selalu diadakan setiap sore. Jadi kami pun segera bergegas kesana. Banyak sekali yang antusias untuk menyaksikan acara ini. Walaupun bahsanya ga ngerti hehehe ...

" Seiiring berjalannya langkah kaki , akhirnya perjalanan hari ini pun usai. GWK menjadi destinasi terakhir kami melangsungkan perjalanan di Bali. Malam nanti kita akan terus mengarungi waktu untuk kembali ke kota awal, Bogor tercinta "Here We Go", kita membawa kisah dan kenangan , pengalaman dan pengetahuan tersendiri. Kisah klasik untuk masa depan"

Terimakasih banyak
 Although it's hard to say goodbye but we must face the time to go to next stories

Kisah yang tak terduga
Surprise yang Luar Biasa
Thank's Allah

"Angan, seindah apapun ia memang harus berani kita TANGGALKAN dan TINGGALKAN demi hari yang terus berjalan..."

 "Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.  ~From the television show The Wonder Years"

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Udayana University Bali Indonesia

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Students Society of Economy and Management IPB goes to Universitas Udayana Bali in order to see and share about Comparative Study with Faculty of Economics  Udayana University. What a Good Day, this University is our second destination that we visited.


In the past post, i have posted about Universitas Brawijaya Malang , and now i would share our comparative study at Udayana University.

            Although still windy somehow, but today is not like the days before, hahaha today is Rainy Day. Our arrival at the University of Udayana was greeted by rain. Actually today not a huge rain , so we can run to reach Udayana University. Yeaaaaaaaaaaahh ...
In front of FE Udayana Gates
            After we finally stay at Udayana, All of the people at Udayana University welcomed us with friendly. As usual we do an introduction first, and then we share our program together.  And took a discussion. We share so many information and exchange some knowledge to boost student society program.
discussion time

           So many information that we get together.. about knowledge, about system of lecture, about student society and many more. Proud of Udayana University. Thank you so much , hope to see you again and can share our information at the next opportunity. Success for Us !!!

Thank you so Much FE Udayana

 "Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.  ~Daniel J. Boorstin, Democracy and Its Discontents"

Do you know the difference between education and experience?  Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.  ~Pete Seeger

Success for us , hope to see you again 


Today Is Sunny Day "Tanjung Benoa" Bali Indonesia

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Have you imagine to run around the blue beach ? seeing the blue sky and touch the pure white sky ? Do you know what  the place that can bring you to that imaginitaion?

So Now , in "Tanjung Benoa Bali Indonesia" you can get all of them ! Do you believe it ?
Oh common ! Let's run around the beach guys ! Today is so sunny Day , blue bright sky with lil bit  clouds. AMAZING
      Today , me and all my friends would go to the great beach in Bali ... why i said great ? because this place is the most beautifull beach that i never seen before. Hmm, lovely ...But , funny things when we want to go to this place , we must face the crowded ways. We must face the long traffic jam, hahaha ... Okay The show must go on, so ... let's walking guys ! Hahaha ,no problem.. what a funny experiences walk around the crowded street hehe !
       About 1 hours we walked and took the transportation, finally we can stay at Tanjung Benoa . Fiuuuhhh ... feel so relief , hehe ..after we stay at that place i feel surprised .. why ??? because this place was really beautifull , with white sands and sunny days. hmmm ... there are so many tourists who came along to this place.
What a beautifull Panorama
          For your INFORMATION :  for you who love adventure, you are recommended to visit Tanjung Benoa. It is located in Nusa Dua, Bali. It is a kind of beach where you can do many kinds of water sport. Examples of the interesting activity you can do are parasailing, flying fish, water skiing, banana boat, diving, snorkeling, dolphin tour, and glass bottom boat. It will be great place for having great adventure during spending your holidays in Bali, Indonesia.
          Well , actually i just have a little sense to try those adventure ..  hehehe so i decide playing around at the beach with my bestfriends , hehe ... but some other friends decide to try water sport like parasailing and other. Although we just playing around at blue beach , we feel so happy, hmmm ... We swimming, taking a photograph, going to the boat, jumping up hi ... and falling down at the blue beach .. byuuuuuuuurrrrr ... what a lovely sunny day :D
Hahahaha ... what a great team
actually we just sit at the boat haha
This is my footprints love it - By Anjar Photograph
Love it
          Well , one tips from me .. if you want to go to the beach prepare yourself , Do not forget to use sunblock before. That's good for your skin , hehe unfortunately i forgot to use sunblock haha ... so my skin was dark although i have dark skin too hehehe :P . But its okay for me . hihihi... Thank you for today guys!!

After we get the great opportunity to  visit this place we must prepare ourself to go to Udayana University, for what ??? Hahaha okay i'll share it into the next posting see you at the next posting. Bye.


"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the blue dream of sky, for the pure white clouds,for the footprints that i left at the sands, for the beautifull beach and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes --> THIS MY LOVELY DAYS



Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Mengejar "Sunset" ~ Kute Bali

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"Bisakah aku melihatnya ? Khawatir tidak akan bertemu nampaknya"

        Kalimat itu kubisikkan dalam hati, karena tampaknya waktu tidak cukup mengantarkanku ke moment itu . Tetapi siapa sangka ternyata perjalanan yang ditempuh tidak terlalu lama walau harus terkena macet saat menuju Kuta.


Welcome To Kuta

Kuta Gates
          Kuta bali, Kuta merupakan tempat menarik, terletak di Kecamatan Kuta sebagai salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Badung, Bali, sekitar 10 menit dari bandara. Terletak pada bagian selatan dari pulau dan terkenal dengan pantai berpasir putih, tempat yang tepat untuk berselancar dan untuk melihat matahari terbenam. Kuta telah dikenal oleh wisatawan di seluruh dunia, yang ingin menghabiskan masa liburan mereka di pulau dewata sambil bersantai di sepanjang pantai berpasir putih.

           Yup itu benar tetapi sayang ... banyak sampah di pantai ini padahal pantai ini udah Go international, hmmm ... Kurang nyaman rasanya jika dilihat walaupun keindahannya sangat Luar Biasa.Yah walaupun demikian tetapi tetap saja pantai ini memang memiliki daya tarik wisata yang sudah terkenal ke mancanegara. Selain dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat Tourist di Kuta juga banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk bersantai menunggu Sunset. Sama seperti yang ku tunggu saat ini. Senangnya ...
"Berjalan dipinggir pantai bersama Miss Zizi , menyusuri pantai sambil menunggu sunset itu datang. Membicarakan hal-hal menarik mengenai kehidupan di tengah deburan ombak dan semilir angin, pengalaman yang tidak kan pernah terlupakan."
Saat itu, terlihat matahari sudah mulai meredup ... Ku terdiam sejenak mengamati langit, perlahan-lahan awan pun berubah warna ...

 "What a best Moment i had with them Together...Anjar, Hilman and Alfi. We can see the sunset together, look up into the Red Sky. Let's Take A photograph Guys !!!"

Thank you Allah I can see your Land Ruled

"There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera.  And, you will see the most Glorious Sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed.  Don't be bitter because you can't record it.  Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is!"  ~DeGriff

Semoga bisa kembali pada saat-saat seperti ini di hari kelak.

Best Regards