Selasa, 24 April 2012

Ordinary Me

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Hello Guys!!!
Welcome to my blog, hehe.. 
Do you know me ?
Okay I'll share you :D
My name is Rizqiyyah Yasmin usually my friends call me "qyqy" or "yasmin" , you can call me both of them. Is Up To You ^^
Well, now I'm studying at Bogor Agricultural University, The GREEN Campus my Lovely Campus at Bogor West Java Indonesia ...

Majoring at Resource and Environmental Economy or in Bahasa you can call Ekonomi Sumberdaya Lingkungan ...
I love my Faculty and My department so much
Yes , that's cool for me because the concept of this subject concern to manage resources and combine that with economy, woooowww. Seems so cool right ?

Umm , okay my hobbies are talking to friends at my college,listening them and gathering together with my family and friends,
beside that I like photography so much my favorite effect is bokeh and sillhoute hihihi ...
 Actually I'm still learning about photography but I like it...
I love my favourite hobby, that is travelling really love it because I like to go to some new place with friends or family. For me travelling can open my mind, look at the new place,new environment, find something wonderfull, feel so challenge, get the experience and many more ... Really Love it :D
My favourite sport are swimming and bicycling, umm, and other hobbies maybe same like you I like reading,playing game, listening music,writing (especially writing some post in my lovely Blackberry), hihi
and many more ..
I love my family so much my mother , father and sisters because they are make me so comfortable , not only my family I love my friends too .. they make my life so awesome and unforgottable , make a moment with them is my favourite activity .

Well, actually I still haven't a boyfriend, still waiting for him who pick me up with his beautifull white horse , hahaha .. Wish me luck to meet him someday really I miss MR.him hhii ... Okay, umm ..
Maybe that's all I think for other information you can send me a message on facebook or email

Well actually i make this blog to share my experiences i will share it by my photo or instagram and another because i really like to make documentation really love that, not only a photo or video but also i want to share my thought and maybe some stories for my life,but i hope you are like to see this blog and we can share stories together :)
Nice to know that you like to read my blog really ...
Best Regards

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