Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

When you Miss Someone but you don't know Who

"Have you ever felt like this ?
Suddenly you miss someone, but you dont know who ...
Always think about him , but you don't know who ...
Always pray for him although you don't know who ..."

If you ever felt like that , same with me now ...
Every human is on a journey,
To find the reason why they’re lonely.
They wait anxiously till someday,
They find in their soul what will lead the way.

Kindness is neither a feeling nor a belief,
It’s an element of peace and relief.
It fires up from the pure essence of unity,
Engulfing one and all towards tranquillity.

Like a companion follows a bond,
Materializing the serenity for so long.
It flows through ones nature like a pond,
Enchanting ones rhythm resembling a song.

As time flies on so does the feeling,
Making the soul have only one meaning.
The pond is calm, the searching is done.
For the rest of eternity they are one.

"And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross, InsyaAllah"

"Ya Allah, bilamana telah kau tetapkan jodohku, dimanapun kini ia berada, mohon bimbinglah ia mencari ilmu, jadikan ia orang yang sholeh dan kuatkan hatinya sebagai pengikut setia Rasulullah Muhamad SAW. Lancarkan ikhtiarnya mencari bekal untuk menjalani hidup bersamaku kelak, terangkan pandangannya dalam memilih yg baik daripada yang bathil. Jadikan pertemuan kami kelak sbg pertemuan dua kekasih yang tertaut janji di jalan-Mu.. Amiiin.."
May Allah give you the right person that you deserve and put a strong feeling of love between you both. 


nb : Photographed by me
model : junior (my cat, hehe)
inspire : IslamicPoem "Searching Soul"
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3 komentar:

  1. wow! amin :)

    beautiful line, Qy. like it so much.

  2. amin ya rabbal alamin , mkssi ya kaka ... aku lgi galau ni ka hihihihi ,amiin semoga qta diberikn yg terbaik ya ka, amiiin :D
