Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Real Surprise ???

        Do you know ? At the past posting I say about something .. That's about "Surprise" . And then i Asked to ALLAH ... Please to give me a Lovely Surprise please ...

Believe it or not ... but That wish is really come true ... I have a big Surprise

 One day , My friend Kukuh ask me about something. That's really surprised me... Kukuh inviting me to go to Bali...

Bali ????

"Yes, Bali" He said ... Can you go at this night ??? Are you sure ? Why ?  "Because you are represent as a FEM Ambassador, we go with all of leaders at himpro and BEM from Our Faculty"


After i get the permission from my lovely Parents.

I said, YES !!!

"BALI Here I Come"

Thank You Allah

I hope your dream will come true too  


Best regards

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