Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

Refreshing di pusat Kota Jakarta

Jakarta, siapa yang tak kenal dengan kota terpadat di Indonesia ini. Dengan segala hiruk pikuk dan aktivitas masyarakatnya Jakarta tetap bertahan dan hingga kini akupun bangga saat menginjakkan kaki di sana. Mungkin jakarta kini berbeda dengan jakarta tempo dulu, yang sekarang semakin padat dengan banyaknya gedung-gedung tinggi dan mall-mall megah. Tetapi kali ini aku dan sahabatku hanya ingin berjalan santai, dengan kereta api menyusuri tempat-tempat yang hampir berdekatan letaknya. Sangat menyenangkan ...

           Selamat Pagi ... Pagi ini aku dan kedua sahabatku nita dan hastin akan refreshing ke salah satu Kota terkenal di Indonesia, hanya 2 jam perjalanan dengan naik kereta dari bogor udah sampe deh. Hehehe, yups tepatnya Kota Jakarta. Yuukkk mariiiiiiiiiiiii ...
            Ouya kami berangkat dari stasiun Bogor ke stasiun pasar minggu jakarta. Tujuan pertama kami adalah Mesjid Istiqlal. Waw ... sejujurnya walaupun bogor-jakarta itu deket bangettt aku belum pernah ke Mesjid terbesar di Asia Tenggara ini, hehe ... Yah syukur alhamdulillah dapet kesempatan untuk berkunjung ke mesjid yang terkenal di Indonesia ini. Saat aku pertama kali masuk ke dalam ruangannya, sempet kagum banget mesjid ini ternyata bukan sekedar Mesjid, ternyata luaaaaaaaaaass sekali. Ada juga kantor-kantor pengelola mesjidnya disini. Hebat bangett ... Ouya ruangan sholatnya juga luas sekali, arsitekturnya megah dan menjulang tinggi dihiasi ornamen-ornamen perak dan emas, cantiik sekali. Disana kami melangsungkan sholat dzuhur, alhamdulillah.

               Setelah selesai menunaikan sholat dzuhur di Mesjid Istiqlal. Kita segera bergegas menuju tujuan selanjutnya. Terik Matahari yang panas serta perut yang udah banyak loncengnya membawa kita ke tujuan yang kedua. Masih deket banget tempatnya dari Mesjid Istiqlal, yaitu Cafe Es Krim Ragusa. Ummmmm yummy ... Cuma jalan kaki ke arah luar mesjid terus jalan sedikit kita udah sampe deh.
Letaknya di Jl. Veteran I no.10 Jakarta Pusat. Memang buat kamu pecinta es krim wajib coba es krim ragusa ini, rasanya khas banget...di cafe ragusa ini ga menyediakan panganan lain selain es krim , tapi jangan khawatir di depan cafenya banyak pedagang kaki lima yang menjajakan makanan seperti asinan,sate,gado-gado dll. ^_^ Irit bukan ?

           Tak terasa waktu berlalu begitu cepat. Menjelang sore saatnya kita bergegas untuk pulang, dan tempat yang mengakhiri perjalanan pulang kita adalah Monumen Nasional Jakarta. Yuhuuuuu ... sama seperti Mesjid Istiqlal ini adalah pengalaman pertama ku ke Monumen Nasional ini. Letaknya ga jauh koq dari Es Krim Ragusa ... Tinggal cari bajai terus bilang mau ke Monas biayanya hanya 10 Ribu rupiah.

Berakhirlah refreshing hari ini, Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin. Refreshing murah meriah, berkesan dan sangat menyenangkan di pusat Kota Jakarta. Jauh dari Mall dan sehat karena banyak jalan kaki. hihihi ... Recommended banget buat kamu yang belum pernah ke tempat-tempat yang aku sebutin tadi.

Let's Say Alhamdulillah

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Inspiration - Edwina's Photoshoot

It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional.  ~Robert Brault, 

               How Do you think about that quotes ? haha ... i just want to begin this posting with that quotes, i really like it. Because i love to take a photograph but im not a photographer , i'm just an amateur photographer but i want to make it the best. Hahaha #Intermezo ...
               So ... here is the point, today i have a lovely job. Passionate job , yes to take a photograph. Yuhuu .. And the model for today is .. taa daaa ... Edwina , my friend she is very charming,beautifull,sweety,warm and lovely. The themes of this photoshoot is Hijab Princess in the Forest. So here we go, i will be give you some tips for fashion  too, especially for you who have a short body in the end of this photoshoot result.

Edwina's Portofolio
        What do you think about that some photoshoot ? She is very beautifull with her maxi dress. Yes , lovely... So here i will share you about some tips. First if you have a short body you can choose maxi dress with a natural pattern like edwina's wear. Why it will help you to make your body have a volume and you look more sweety. Second, Then dont forget to wear a wages it will complete your appearance. I hope it can be inspire you guys... 


nb :
Thank you too : Edwina
Model : Edwina
Photograph by Me
Make up by Dwi susan
Dress Edwina's Collection
Place : Bogor Botanical Garden 

Shopping time at Tajur Bogor West Java

 Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase.  ~Erma Bombeck

            Do you like shopping ? I'm sure that every people love shoping especially for woman. Hehehe , yeah that's true. I feel really happy if i have some money and i will go to buy something. So in this posting i just want to share you about Tajur
             Tajur is the place in Bogor West Java Indonesia. In Tajur you can find so many Bag Shops. You can take a look to come for every shop. Tajur is very famous place in bogor, many person say that Tajur is one of the place that Centra Bag Shop Hand Made from Indonesia. The quality of all of bag are good and so many Factory Outlet in here especially for Bag. One of the Factory Outlet in Tajur is SKI Shop, in Katulampa street bogor. There are so many kinds of bag, for woman,man,kids, ransel, and others. So how about the price ? Haha dont worry you will be able to buy with cheaper price. Trust me . Hehehe ...
             Today me and my lovely bestfriends (susan and rere) visit this place together, we want to look some bag for susan's sister. Yuhuuuu ...
Here is me , Looking for One bag
Voilaaaa ... i love this white , Look ellegant, What do you think ?
Take a moment for a while
Say Cheese ...

"Enjoy you life, enjoy your shopping, and dont forget To buy something and look for your priority"


Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Inspiration - Feels Natural with Vintage

Hello there !

Today is my time to get some photoshoot moment, Yes , i really love it.

So in this session , i try to choose Vintage Style. Why i say it vintage ? Because i will wear a florally vintage skirt , ummm lovely !

Let Check Some Result Below 

          What do you Think of those some photo ? Are you agree with me ? Hahaha , i really love vintage style it seems so pretty when we wear anything about vintage. One of the most lovely vintage that i love is vintage blossom, seem so sweety. So I try to wear that skirt hmm ... Maybe you can try this style if you want to go for picnic or go to the place thats feels so natural. Hmm Cool !
Here is some tips for me , hope will inspiring you !
1. First you must prepare Vintage Motif for your skirt to make your appearance more sweety
2. For the top Just apply a shirt with no motif , you can combine it with a Vest that you like
3. So to complete your appearance you can wear a Lovely Hat , White hat is optional

Hope cthis post can inspiring you guys !

nb : Model : Me
Photographed By : MHA
Dress up : Just Mix and Match my Wardrobe
Place : Orchid Garden

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Inspiration - Natural Photography

What do you do if you have a free time ? In my relaxe time i love to review my photographed and try to make some editting. I love spent my time with my camera, yaps! photography is my passion it can boost my self and be my mood booster. Hehehe , and today i just want to share you about some picture of my friends Anindyah when we have a time to take a some photoshoot at the Green Field in Talun, Pekalongan.

Let's Check it Out !


 Anindyah's Natural Style

          For your infomation guys , i think if you want to take some photoshoot you must mix and match your dress  and try to fit it with the place. And i think if you want to take some natural photoshoot you can choose anindyah's style like in some photos above.
          Anindyah wear a Long Dress Tie Dye by Dian Pelangi , the colours of her dress it's matching with the field. Smoothy colour can improve your caracter as a girl and it can       make you look more feminim.
          The themes of this photoshoot is Relaxed Moment at the Field, so try to choose easy make up with natural touches it can really match with your dress. She is look so pretty, isn't it ? ^^

So You can try it Guys !
Good Luck and Have Fun

So here is me with anindyah

nb : All of the photographed courtesy by me
Model : Anindyah
Dress : Dian Pelangi
Make up : Easy Make up
Place : Talun, Pekalongan